Anyone who knows me is fully aware of my Bath & Body Works obsession. The 3-wick candles are my kryptonite. I love having what I like to call a "smell good house" and these candles are an integral part of that operation.

Bath & Body Works just started releasing fall scents, which means this is the last of the summer scents. I'm not mad because fall and winter are my jam, but for those who prefer the spring and summer scents, well, this is your time! It's your last chance before they're gone.

So, which ones do you choose? First and foremost, I highly recommend reading my blog about making your home smell great. There's a lot of good information in there and you're guaranteed to create bespoke home scents that moves seamlessly room to room. Just read it.

If you have no interest, the important part for shopping candles is knowing what kinds of scents to buy. I encourage you to leave the edible scents behind. Something like a sugar cookie is guaranteed to give some guest a headache and a reason to never come over again. The best bet and the freshest scents are natural and earthy. I'm talking woods and florals. Just trust me! I think the woodier the better and I love to use floral room sprays to compliment them. Your house will smell like a fresh forest or garden or beach depending on the scent combination. However, a good floral is amazing for this time of year and they're more common, so let's just say florals and woods.

I like to change all my candles for the season (and I have a total of 12 candles I keep out (one for each room.) It's divine. Here are some of the candles I've purchased this season that have had a very fresh and easy scent profile. I really swear by these. Anytime someone walks into my home they compliment the smell.

Mahogany Teakwood

Eucalyptus Rain

Lavender Eucalyptus

Lavender Bergamot

Lakeside Morning

Rose Water & Ivy - my personal favorite.

Ocean Driftwood

Hibiscus Waterfalls

White Tea & Sage

Eucalyptus Springs

Fresh Cut Lilacs - a fan favorite! Everyone wants to pick this up and smell it.

White Gardenia

Bergamot Waters

As far as what is available on the site right now, these are your candles. Go forth and have a smell good house!